Hi there, I am malw_guy , a former Penetration-Tester, currently pursuing a degree in Electro-Communications. I've been nourishing my hacking skills since I was just a teenager, I started back when I was 13 (I'd like to keep my current age confidential). The purpose of this blog is as a showcase / portfolio so people can grasp a lil' bit of my knowledge in the field. It should be noted that I am inclined to withhold public disclosure of the majority of my accomplishments in this particular field, primarily due to their involvement with governmental entities. However, should you possess a compelling reason to inquire further about these achievements, I am prepared to disclose them on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of your inquiry.
Machine: Inject
Hello there, today we'll be talking about a pretty new machine called Inject.
Let's begin things off with the basic nmap scan
Nothing unusual except the service on port 8080, a Nagios server. Without
looking too much on that, let's move to the website.
Here we're prompted with a website that's meant to be some cloud storage server,
we have a Log-In and a Sign-Up button, but neither one of them are functional,
so we go into the "Upload" page
Here we have a basic file upload, also let's keep in mind that the box is called
"Inject", so its very likely that we need to get a foothold exploiting the file
In order to see how to file upload works, I tried to upload a .txt file with
some text in it, in order to see how the server handles the file.
Unfortunately, it's telling us that only image files are allowed, so let's
upload an image and see how it's getting handled by the server.
Let's take a look at the php parameter, because it looks very fuzzable, I tried
playing around with files, trying to upload a php shell, but unfortunately
nothing worked, so I checked for path traversal and fortunately it was a success
We can see in the home directory that we have 2 users, frank and phil, so let's
look around a little bit
In phil's directory, we see the user.txt file, but unfortunately, we aren't
allowed to display it.
In frank's directory, I found some strange .yml file. It's pretty clear we'll
take advantage of that at the privilege escalation phase, but for now let's list
some more of the web application to find out some more services and
configuration files.
After a little bit of moving around, I found a configuration file for the
webserver, where we can see it's using spring-boot and it's version 2.6.5.
With a little help from google, I found a metasploit module for that service,
it's the spring_cloud_function_spel_injection
Now let's set-up exploit's options and set our payload.
As we can see, our exploit worked and we got a meterpreter session.
Now let's get our user.txt
Hmm, the operation failed, usually when this happens is because we don't have
permission, so let's look around maybe we find some credentials in some
configuration files (this approach works 99% of the time)
We can see the password field in /.m2, I got there because when using burp to
look in frank's directory, .m2 wasn't listed because it's hidden, so I thought
that something interesting is lying there. Let's start a basic shell from
meterpreter, so we can see on what user we are logged in, and we can see we are
logged in on the user 'frank'.
Let's log-in on the user 'phil' with the password we got and get our user flag.
Let's cat the user.txt now
Alright, half-way there, after I googled a little bit about that ansible .yml
file, I found
Based on it, what we need is to create a local .yml file, with the code we saw
in the playbook_2.yml on frank's directory and upload it on the server in
Now to upload that file to the webserver, we need to start a python http server
in the directory of the file
and we need to use wget on the target machine where we are logged in as phil to
download the file, and we use bash -p in order to acces the /bin/bash of
After this, just grab the root.txt and that was it.